Back in 1919 Henry Ardagh had a plan to develop a small residential community on the north side of Lakeshore Road and east of Dixie Road, near to the Etobicoke Creek. Ardagh had purchased 15 acres from the Duck family of Lakeview. Ardagh laid out roads and lots as part of his “Ardmore Plan”. The streets in the subdivision received the names Orchard Hill Road, Cherriebell Road, and Deta Road – all of which connect to the Duck family who farmed here.
William Duck was amongst the earliest settlers in the Lakeview area, and several generations of the Duck family called Lakeview home, including John Duck, George Duck and Richard Francis Duck, and the family farm became recognized for their swine and extensive orchards.
The road names laid out in 1919 remember this agricultural connection to apple and cherry orchards, and Deta Road is named for John Duck’s daughter, Deta Duck.

NOTE: This story was previously published as part of the Way Back Wednesday series in Modern Mississauga by Heritage Mississauga.
It can be found on their website here:
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