Sponsor Your Favorite Heritage Program!
You may have attended or participated in one of our numerous events, program or workshops that we have offered to support our mission to research, record and communicate Mississauga’s rich and diverse heritage and wanted to become a part of preserving these unique programs.
As a not-for-profit charity Heritage Mississauga relies on the support of grants, membership, donations and fundraising to provide for its operations and programming. If you have a program or event that you would like to support and ensure continues, we offer the opportunity to allocate your sponsorship to a program of your choosing.
If you would like to become a Heritage Mississauga sponsor, please contact Jayme Gaspar at 905-828-8411 / jgaspar@heritagemississauga.org
We appreciate those who so generously give to support the work that we do.
Charitable Number: 11924 5660 RR0001