National Wildlife Week is celebrated every year in Canada during the week when April 10 occurs in commemoration of John (“Jack”) Thomas Miner, also known as “Wild Goose Jack”.
Jack was a conservationist and lecturer who created one of North America’s first bird sanctuaries and was one of the earliest to attach bands to the legs of migratory birds for the scientific study of their habits.
He banded over 90,000 ducks and Canada geese and the records of these birds and their migratory patterns helped persuade the Canadian government to ratify the Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA)  in 1917. This Act contains regulations to protect migratory birds, their eggs, and their nests.
“The purpose of this Act is to implement the Convention by protecting and conserving migratory birds — as populations and individual birds — and their nests.”  – Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, c. 22, s. 42005, c. 23, s. 3

The video of the two Canadian Geese was captured in Port Credit at St. Lawrence Park.

Throughout the upcoming week we will share some more of our “wild encounters” in Mississauga and we invite you to post some of your favorite wildlife images with us.

Check out the Canadian Wildlife Federation for some webinars on supporting local wildlife:,schools%2C%20businesses%20or%20community%20spaces.

Register for their Gardening for Wildlife Free Online Course!