Space is limited in the hall and members are encouraged to register ASAP before the registration opens to the public.
In order to accommodate all of our members and the community, we are offering a hybrid AGM this year to allow individuals who would like to attend in-person to join us at Eden United Church, and those who would prefer to join us virtually, can do so via Zoom (access details will be sent to all registrants).
We’re thrilled to announce that our 2024 AGM will showcase two notable speakers.
Former city councillor, Pat Saito, will take us on a journey through Mississauga’s last 50 years, reflecting on our city’s growth and development.
Additionally, architect Michael Spaziani will share his insights and vision for the next 50 years, offering an exciting glimpse into Mississauga’s future.
If you are unable to attend in person or online, please send in your proxy to our Executive Director, Jayme Gaspar, at no later than Monday May 20, 2024.
We look forward to seeing our members at the AGM!
Please note that you must be a member in order to vote at the AGM.
Register for our AGM:
Click here to register on the Heritage Mississauga Eventbrite.
Join on Zoom:
Below are details for how to join the AGM on Zoom.
Visit this link:
Meeting ID: 842 7588 8693
Passcode: 452704
One tap mobile
+16475580588,,84275888693#,,,,*452704# Canada
+17789072071,,84275888693#,,,,*452704# Canada
Dial by your location
Meeting ID: 842 7588 8693
Passcode: 452704
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Become a member:
You must be a current Heritage Mississauga member in order to vote at the AGM.
Visit the link below to become a member or renew your membership:
Don’t miss the announcement of the winner of the Italian Dream Vacation!
We are excited to announce that there will be a draw for this dream vacation for all memberships taken out between January 1, 2024 – April 30, 2024. The draw will take place at the AGM.
As the winner of this draw item, two (2) of you will spend 7 days / 6 nights in a spacious suite at the intimate Hotel Torre Fiore. Included in this package are complimentary daily breakfasts. *(Flights not included)
Heritage Mississauga would like to thank FRAM + Slokker for their generous donation of this incredible vacation stay at Torre Fiore.