905-828-8411 info@heritagemississauga.org



Explore an indigenous perspective on Friendship Treaties with Carolyn King.

WHEN: Wednesday April 24, 2024 @ 12 Noon – 1:30pm


SIGN UP: Visit Heritage Mississauga on Eventbrite to sign up

Carolyn has been engaged by government, colleges and universities, businesses and community organizations to do cross-cultural training sessions and presentations to help people develop a better understanding of Indigenous and First Nations people in Canada.

A recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, in recognition of her support for First Nation history and advancement of the Indigenous Peoples, she has been a driving force in the identification of the significance of current and historic sites within traditional territorial lands and the preservation of First Nations traditions.

Carolyn King received the Order of Canada, one of our country’s highest honours in 2020. Presented by the governor general, the Order honours people whose service shapes our society; whose innovations ignite our imaginations; and whose compassion unites our communities. Carolyn’s appointment was for her expertise in community development, her advocacy of Indigenous-led initiatives, and her efforts to improve Canadians’ understanding of First Nations.

We acknowledge that the land on which we meet today is part of the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit.

We recognize the importance of this land and pay our respects to the Anishinaabe and other First Nations, Métis and Inuit past, present and future.

We encourage you to engage in the conversation and to feel free to ask questions during the Q&A session after the presentation.

Heritage Mississauga would like to thank the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and The Rotary Club of Mississauga for their support to help us bring Indigenous Conversations to a wider community through this webinar series.

Sign up for Friendship Treaties with Carolyn King on Eventbrite – CLICK HERE

The webinars will sometimes appear on our YouTube channel – HERITAGE MISSISSAUGA YOUTUBE

The webinars will sometimes appear on our podcast – HERITAGE BYTES



Indigenous Conversations: The Importance of the Credit River  with Carolyn King (February 28, 2024) 

Carolyn has been engaged by government, colleges and universities, businesses and community organizations to do cross-cultural training sessions and presentations to help people develop a better understanding of Indigenous and First Nations people in Canada.

A recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, in recognition of her support for First Nation history and advancement of the Indigenous Peoples, she has been a driving force in the identification of the significance of current and historic sites within traditional territorial lands and the preservation of First Nations traditions.

Carolyn King received the Order of Canada, one of our country’s highest honours in 2020. Presented by the governor general, the Order honours people whose service shapes our society; whose innovations ignite our imaginations; and whose compassion unites our communities. Carolyn’s appointment was for her expertise in community development, her advocacy of Indigenous-led initiatives, and her efforts to improve Canadians’ understanding of First Nations.

We invite you to join us for this educational and uplifting webinar series.

We acknowledge that the land on which we work is part of the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. We recognize the importance of this land and pay our respects to the Anishinaabe and other First Nations, Métis and Inuit past, present and future.

We encourage you to engage in the conversation and to feel free to ask questions during the Q&A session after the presentation.

Heritage Mississauga would like to thank the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and The Rotary Club of Mississauga for their support to help us bring Indigenous Conversations to a wider community through this webinar series.

These webinars will provide a foundation of understanding and address many misconceptions and frequently asked questions.

Indigenous Conversations: Moccasin Identifier with Carolyn King (December 1, 2021)

Carolyn King spoke about her incredible initiative, the Moccasin Identifier Project.

This project was developed by Carolyn King in partnership with Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Ontario Green Belt, to promote public awareness of significant cultural historic sites and the ancestral presence of First Nations, Metis and Indigenous Communities.

Carolyn has been engaged by government, colleges and universities, businesses and community organizations to do cross-cultural training sessions and presentations to help people develop a better understanding of Indigenous and First Nations people in Canada.

A recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, in recognition of her support for First Nation history and advancement of the Indigenous Peoples, she has been a driving force in the identification of the significance of current and historic sites within traditional territorial lands and the preservation of First Nations traditions.

Carolyn King received the Order of Canada, one of our country’s highest honours in 2020. Presented by the governor general, the Order honours people whose service shapes our society; whose innovations ignite our imaginations; and whose compassion unites our communities.

Carolyn’s appointment was for her expertise in community development, her advocacy of Indigenous-led initiatives, and her efforts to improve Canadians’ understanding of First Nations.

Most recently, Carolyn was honoured at the Legends Row Induction Celebration as a Legend in Arts & Culture.

Indigenous Conversations: Residential Schools with Darlene Laforme (November 24, 2021)

Darlene Laforme spoke about her experiences in the Residential School system as well as the multi-generational impact of the schools on the survivors and their families.

Darlene LaForme, Cayuga, turtle clan, has been married 46 years to an Anishinabwe man from Mississaugas of the Credit. She is a mom, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, auntie and friend to many.

Darlene works as a Registered Social Worker. She learned her skills in culture, ways of being, and being resourceful. She spent four childhood years at the Mushhole and credits her determination of a healthy life for her family, it is still work.

Indigenous Conversations: Truth & Reconciliation with Chief Stacey Laforme (November 17, 2021)

Gimaa (Chief) Stacey Laforme discussed Truth & Reconciliation.

R. Stacey Laforme is the elected Chief of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation (MCFN). Born and raised on MCFN, Chief Laforme has served his community for over twenty years being first elected to council in 1999. Chief Laforme is committed to increasing involvement and communication between Elected Council and both on and off-reserve membership. He is very active throughout MCFN’s traditional territory which encompasses 3.9 million acres of Southern Ontario, not only as a Chief, but as a notable storyteller and poet.

Chief Laforme has recently been appointed as honorary senior fellow for Massey College, joining the duke of Edinburgh and the chancellor of oxford as only the third person awarded the highest honor the college can bestow. Chief R. Stacey Laforme exemplifies significant and continuous service to our community by demonstrating integrity, generosity of spirit, humility, courage, collaboration, “The Good Mind”, and traditional ways of knowing and being.

Indigenous Conversations: Indian 101 with Carolyn King (November 3, 2021)

Originally aired on November 3, 2021, the webinar is now available for those who missed the conversation or for those who wish to watch the conversation again. Indian 101 addresses some of the most frequently asked questions as well as addresses many of the myths and misinformation that is available and disseminated about indigenous history, heritage, and lived experiences today.
