905-828-8411 info@heritagemississauga.org


Heritage Mississauga is proud to offer a collection of videos depicting significant places, events and people in Mississauga’s history.

These videos can be seen on WNED television station, at film festivals and on the Heritage Mississauga YouTube channel. They are all produced and written by Heritage Mississauga, with funding from grants such as the Ontario Trillium Foundation and Community Foundation of Mississauga, and shot and edited by Gabriella and Sandor Bank from Sanborg Productions.

Below is our latest video: Tested by Fire: Remembering the Mississauga Train Derailment 1979

Celebrating Mississauga’s Cultural Heritage

Credit River History: The Majestic Credit River

The Sacred Garden (Chi-twaa Tigaanes) in Mississauga

Remembrance Day Tribute: I am Mississauga

History of Port Credit

Memories of Small Arms Limited in Lakeview, Mississauga

Mississauga: The First 10,000 Years

This is Dundas Street in Mississauga

The Road to Confederation: I am Mississauga

Mississauga After Amalgamation: A City Emerges

Memories of Small Arms Limited: Their Stories

Mississauga & The Ties That Bind: Looking Back 150 Years

Mississauga Miracle! The Story of The 1979 Derailment: A City’s Memories

Tested by Fire: Remembering the Mississauga Train Derailment 1979
