905-828-8411 [email protected]

Recognition from the City

In 1985 Heritage Mississauga received the “Friends of Heritage Award” from the Parks Canada Centennial Citizens Committee.  In the spring of 1994 Mayor McCallion recognized the contributions of the organization, noting that HM had taken up the “mantle” of heritage preservation while warning that this work “can’t depend on the Mississauga Heritage Foundation alone.” She also praised that HM “would go down in history for producing an asset” in the form of the Anchorage. Moreover, in 1995 Ward Eight Councillor Katie Mahoney on behalf of the City honoured Heritage Mississauga at the Bradley Museum for its “role in founding the Bradley Museum” This was the same year that the Foundation was given the Civic Award from the City, along with a bronze plaque at the Bradley Museum honouring the contribution of this organization to the museum.

Heritage Mississauga isn’t finished and continues to work actively to both preserve and promote the history of the region we now call Mississauga and to record the legacy of its previous inhabitants and those who before us called this place home.
