905-828-8411 [email protected]

Mon Voyage

Mon Voyage was born out of compulsion in the year 2017.

The adage, anything born out of compulsion doesn’t bear fruit,’ doesn’t hold true in this case.

We wanted to document our ‘travels’ and we wanted to share our experiences and travel advice with the larger community of explorers, and this was the only way. As journalists, we have this irresistible impulse to record events and experiences.
Mon voyage literally means ‘My Travel.’

Here travel or journey is a metaphor for life.

A journey that keeps reminding us of the uncertainties, the instabilities, and the vicissitudes of life; urging us to savor each moment, enjoying the road, as much as the final destination.

Apart from the regular travel that takes us to beautiful locales, giving us an opportunity to unwind and experience the local custom, food and way of life–Mon Voyage explores immigration as a life choice that takes us to a land unknown–giving us the opportunity to explore, learn, imbibe and integrate.

Our life choices can take us to exciting countries, and that is a journey we are very interested in.

If you have been bold enough to immigrate to a new country leaving your comfort zone, family, and familiarity; you are definitely a daredevil for us.

Or how else would you articulate a move from a familiar to an unfamiliar–leaving behind the known for the unknown?

We all know that a ‘move’ is not just geographical’, it is emotional, social, physical, and psychological. While it is true that immigration broadens horizons, it is also true that a ‘move’ such as this amplifies fear and loss of identity.

Through this endeavor, we want to hear your story.

Stories that will inspire and educate.

Stories that will talk about your ‘journey’, settlement and learnings.

Visit Mon Voyage here: https://monvoyage.in/


“There is no greater power on this earth than a story.” —Libba Bray

About Me:
Indrani Thakurata is a journalist with more than a decade of experience behind her. She is a new immigrant who calls Mississauaga her home.

“As an immigrant, I wanted to settle down in Mississauga because of its multicultural vibe. Mississauga doesn’t have a singular identity; it is a culturally diverse and beautiful mosaic of different people, cultures, languages, and ethnic groups, all connected by a shared sense of history and heritage.”

Self confessed Mississauaga lover, Indrani likes exploring every nook and corner that defines the city.

“It is commonly said that a city is as alive as its people. And going by that marker, Mississauga is not just alive but is thriving.”

When not obsessing about the city and the multitude of faces that make it, she loves listening to personal experiences of immigration.

JC Saddington Park, Port Credit, Mississauga