905-828-8411 info@heritagemississauga.org

Funding Partners

Our Incredible Funding Partners

You may have attended or participated in one of our numerous events, program or workshops that we have offered to support our mission:  celebrating Mississauga’s heritage through research, promotion and learning.

As a not-for-profit charity Heritage Mississauga relies on the support of grants, membership, donations and fundraising to provide for its operations and programming.

In 2023 we received two significant grants to support our organization.

Resilient Communities Fund through the Ontario Trillium Foundation

Our organization, with a Resilient Communities Fund grant over 12 months, will recover and build its resiliency from impacts of COVID-19 by developing long-term plans for growth and sustainability through brand identity design, fundraising, customer relationship management, software and technology training.

As the grant is coming to a close we are excited about the launch of our new logo and branding strategy and have developed exciting plans for the future.

Community Services Recovery Fund through the Canadian Red Cross Society 

With a grant from the Community Services Recovery Fund the organization was able to conduct a strategic plan review and its governance, provide diversity, equity and inclusion training and ensure the organization was HR compliant.

As the grant is coming to a close we are confident in our governance and HR policies, are ready for the next three years with a strong strategic plan and understand the DEI requirements for our charity.

Red Cross Logo

Government, Foundation and Charitable Support

Below are our funding partners who have given us grants to do the work we do.

We appreciate those who so generously give to support us.

Charitable Number: 11924 5660 RR0001
