905-828-8411 info@heritagemississauga.org

About Us

Heritage Mississauga (Mississauga Heritage Foundation) began in 1960 when a citizens’ group was organized by the then-Township of Toronto to move a heritage home that once belonged to a United Empire Loyalist family (the Bradley’s), to a permanent location, and open a community museum (Bradley House Museum Complex, managed by the Museums of Mississauga today).

In 1994, when the City took over the management of the Museum, Heritage Mississauga had the opportunity to redefine its mandate to focus on researching, recording and celebrating the heritage of the entire city.

Heritage is defined in the British and Merriam-Webster dictionary to include:

  • Something inherited at birth, -personal characteristics, status, and possessions
  • Traditions, achievements, beliefs, etc., that are part of the history of a group or nation
  • Anything that has been transmitted from the past or handed down by tradition
  • The evidence of the past, such as historical sites, buildings, and the unspoilt natural environment, considered collectively as the inheritance of present-day society

It is through this broad definition that Heritage Mississauga has shaped its work over the past decades; supporting the community with resources, providing event planning and delivery assistance, promoting community activities and engaging in dialogue to further awareness.

In 2004, the organization moved from its offices at the Civic Centre to one of the oldest City owned buildings in Mississauga, the historic Robinson-Adamson House “The Grange” c1828, (1921 Dundas Street West, Mississauga).  At “The Grange” Heritage Mississauga provides the community with a comprehensive Heritage Resource Centre.

Heritage Mississauga strives to create a sustainable heritage resource that will continue to contribute to the cultural vibrancy of the local community and which is available to all.  Recognized as experts in the field of research, writing and program delivery, the organization works in partnership with the community to deliver effective and interesting programs and services.

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mhf opening at Civic Centre
Grange Opening – Ribbon Cutting – 2004compressed