905-828-8411 [email protected]

Second World War


2019 will mark the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War. To date Heritage Mississauga has identified 70 servicemen from historic Mississauga who fell in the Second World War.

We are currently developing stories, biographies, service records and achievements of local fallen soldiers, and will post information of fallen soldiers from the Second World War here.

Small Arms Limited

One of those stories centres around the Small Arms Limited, which was a company based in Lakeview, who manufactured ammunition and firearms (Lee Enfied rifles, Sten Mark II and others) on arsenals property. During the Second World War over 14,000 women and men worked there, supplying ammunition for our troops overseas and approximately 62.8% of the employees were women making approximately 50 cents an hour.

We have created a 3 minute video so far, and are in the midst of producing another short video along with gathering photos, memorabilia, and oral histories from people who worked there during that time. To learn more, please visit Memories of Small Arms for details on this project.

We will remember them.
